Frequently Ask Questions

Do I have to book before coming ?

NO, for local ride you can come directly on Lamai Beach, direction with map here, or if you wish you can contact us with WhatsApp if it's more convenient for you.

For Tour do I have to book in advance ?

Yes, we ask you to be notice 24hours minimum before the tour for organisation. You can call or write us with WhatsApp.

How to pay the rides or Tour ?

We only take Cash Thai Bath, we don't take credit card.

Is a pick up is possible to our hotel ?

Yes we can come or arrange a pick up at your hotel. You can call or write us with WhatsApp.

I never ride a Jet Ski, can i do alone ?

Yes before you ride the Jetski alone, we will give you all safety instructions. If you don't feel confortable at the beginning, a teacher can come with you for the beginning until you feel OK.

Can I ride a Jetski with my child in the front and I behind ?

For sure until 10 years old, your kid can be in front of you if you prefer.

Does a child can ride a Jetski alone ?

Yes from 15 years old after a quick ride with him before he goes alone.

Can we spend afternoon at your spot ?

Yes of course, we are in partnership with our Magic restaurant, you can have breakfast, lunch, dinner from 10H00am to 9h00pm. We have as well sunbed for free or if you whish to stay longer like few days, we can accomodate you in our Magic Resort Lamai.

Can I ride without Life jacket ?

Definitly not, for your safety to wear a life jacket is compulsory. As well if we have a police inspection, we will get a ticket.

What happened if I have collision with another Jet Ski ?

It will not happen unless you follow our instruction but for sure if you make a collision by your fault, we will ask you to refund us according to the damage.

Can I ride a Jet Ski without Licence ?

Yes, in Thailand you do'nt need licence for riding Jet Ski. But your professional Magic Jet Ski must have his own licence deliver by Thai gouvernement to able to open a Jet Ski Business.

How many person per Jet Ski ?

You can manage your Jet Ski alone or to ride with another person. 2 persons maximum allowed per Jet Ski.